
Where once was a Cherry Tree…

Once upon a time, there was a small girl and a big cherry tree in her backyard. Among the strong blossomy branches, there was a little girl’s imaginary house, a magical villa, where every wall was of different color, they’ve served the best tea and cookies and all the noble people were smiling all the time.

Time has passed, sadly the tree had to go, and the little girl grew up. However, her dreams and vision were never forgotten. She put in all the loving memories and lighthearted laughter, painted walls in different colors, and created a charming La Villa on that very spot where the cherry tree once grew. Her dreams came true.

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Cherry Concept

La Villa Ljubljana is a place where every step is full of surprises. You’ll be charmed by the stylish design, comfy beds, luxurious toiletries, and awesome views from the apartments. All materials in La Villa Ljubljana were carefully chosen, bespoke furniture was designed, and a selection of home appliances and accessories is top of the line. All that is wrapped up in soft pastels, colorful shades of cherry red, and exquisite personal touch that shapes the true uniqueness of all five apartments.